A Wilderness Season is Coming to The Body of Christ

A Wilderness Season is Coming to The Body of Christ

I’ve been having a lot of visions as I’m about to fall asleep, and these have come to pass very quickly so I’m sharing my latest one here. A more discerned version will be on my blog. I may make a Youtube video about it too.

December 26, 2023


In this vision I see helicopters hover in the sky over a desert. The strange thing about these helicopters is that they are a mixture between normal looking helicopters and locusts. Their wings were beating so loudly they could have been mistaken for the helicopter’s blades.

A crowd of people rushed over to them and started to hurl stones at them. The whole scene made me think of the Stargate motion picture when the people of Abydos fought against Ra’s army. But they were no match for the helicopters who simply shot them down. They weren’t killed, just injured. They were left lying there bleeding and in pain.

Then I saw the face of a lion appearing out of the desert sand. It opened its large maw and zoomed across the desert and consumed all the people lying in the sand.

The helicopters were the locusts that came out of the abyss in Revelation 9:3. They didn’t kill the people but stung them like scorpions. In this vision, like many others like them, they were tormenting people psychologically in the desert. For Christians the desert represents a season in the wilderness where they are tried and tested and refined like silver in a fire, so that they lose their impurities (sin/less godly characteristics) and are transformed to be more like Christ. We often refer to this as a season of suffering because it is painful to go through. God will target our weaknesses in order to strengthen us. But some people can get stuck here so live in an unending cycle of suffering. It’s only through an obedience to God and His Word that they can get out of it. Job 42:10 teaches us to forgive those who have wronged us, pray they are blessed and then then we will see restoration come into our lives.

The locusts as helicopters are symbolic of spiritual warfare. In Revelation 9:7 it says the locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. In verse 9 it says the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.

There will be many demonic attacks on the people of God. This doesn’t look obvious but is manifested through fatigue, chronic body pains, confusion, financial problems, storms (one thing going wrong after another), depression, anxiety, and relationship problems. Some of these attacks can be temptations to go back to old sinful ways such as giving into lust, addictive behaviour, idolatry (putting anything before God), and self-medication (alcohol/drugs).

And anytime a lion appears from a mountain or the sand, it depicts the devil who roams around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). It represents a lure back into temptation to sin. Being consumed by it is representative of being under the oppression and bondage of the enemy and caught in a never ending cycle of sin.

This is a word for the Body of Christ. Many are about to go into a wilderness season where they will be psychologically tormented by locusts with anxiety, depression, despair, or other types of oppressive spirits. And this is how the devil will keep them in bondage.

They need to take this season to draw closer to God, allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives to put them through a refinement process to transform them. And they need to get into the Word and declare it to the enemy.

In this season people aren’t just being put through a trial so they can be tested, reshaped and remolded, but for discipline. God is separating the wheat from the tares so He can purify His Bride (the Church) to prepare her not just for the Bridegroom (Jesus) but so He can protect her and provide for her as a great shaking comes to the world in 2024, which will be felt first in the Church (1 Peter 4:7). He’s going to make sure His remnant Church becomes unshakeable (Heb 12:27).

The enemy has used a lot of people in the Church to attack other members of the Body who are the pioneers and trailblazers who were forging a path for God’s new move in the Church and in the nations. But God is bringing about their vindication by putting those the devil had used to harm them, delay or even destroy their destiny, through a trial of discipline and deliverance. This is to give them a chance to not be cut off from the Body of Christ.

God will allow Satan to attack them in order to test and train them up in spiritual warfare and to see if they have what it takes to be in God’s Army. And Satan will do everything he can to keep them in his bondage and away from them stepping into their destiny; fulfilling the plans of purposes of God in the earth. So, they will have to put up a fight by resisting the temptation of giving into torment and find an escape through worldly pleasures. This resistance can only be achieved by the power of The Holy Spirit and not their own efforts. And by drawing closer to God’s presence and putting their trust in Him and having faith that He will get them through it.

Some will go through a period of physical isolation where God will keep them from receiving support from others so they only put their trust in Him.

The Apostle of Peace
Prophet, Seer, Evangelist

The Subtle Ways the Devil Deceives You

The Subtle Ways the Devil Deceives You

I always felt pretty strong in my faith. I always felt like nothing could move me. Whenever I read Apostle Paul talk about being tossed to and fro by the waves and carried by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14) I thought that would never be me. But even I was easily led by deception which had me question my steadfast beliefs in God that I held for over thirty years. 

This is how it happened.

To be honest I can’t remember exactly what led me down this road, all I know is one day I had the urge to read a book, one of the many old books on Hinduism that now occupy my shelf that once belonged to my late father.

This one book in particular had caught my eye, it was titled Yoga and The Bible.

I won’t describe in too much detail what it was about and I’m not saying it’s some evil faith to have, but the way the author reassured other faiths that it was ok to practice it and still keep your faith is what made me feel that it was ok to read on.

The book was an introduction for westerners to Shabbad Yoga or the Science of the Masters. It claimed that all the world’s religions were true but also connected to the Sciences of the Masters which would give them a full understanding of their faith. The Masters it says were prophets sent by God or the Supreme One to teach ‘seekers’ (disciples) their true purpose, and to communicate directly with God through meditation, guided by a Master. It claimed Jesus was one such Master, but one of many Masters who have been sent to Earth for millions of years. Spread all throughout the book are passages of scripture that are followed by a revelation to what they ‘really’ mean.

This is where the religion starts to distance itself from Christianity, by claiming there is more than one Son of God. It fails to understand the importance of Jesus being the sacrificial lamb that atoned for all of our sins, that through him we can all be saved from death. It also claims to provide evidence of the existence of God through meeting Him in Heaven through meditation. It goes on to claim that we no longer have to rely on faith to know God is real, but God makes it quite clear in the Bible that we need to have faith; through Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son Isaac, to Job’s wealth being restored ten times over, to Moses asking Pharaoh to let his people go and from all the miracles from turning his staff into a snake, parting the Red Sea and making water flow from a rock, to even Jesus criticising his disciplines by saying they lacked faith – faith is something we are always required to have. When we begin to have faith during the most trying times, that’s when we start to see good things happen in our lives. 

So for a religion that claims it understands more about the scriptures than Christians do it doesn’t seem to understand much at all. Though Shabbad yoga is a deeply spiritual practice the Holy Spirit is nowhere to be found in its interpretation.

Now I’m not here to criticise Shabbad Yoga, but to illustrate how it carefully sowed the seeds of doubt in me.

As the title suggests there are subtle ways the devil deceives you and I firmly believe he did this by taking advantage of the one connection I’ve longed to make in my entire life: connecting to my Indian roots. In other words he attacked me through my family. 

He used my curiosity to understand more about my Indian heritage and culture to lead me away from Christ. 

I was born in Australia but my dad came from India. I have a large family back in India that is traditionally Hindu. And even though I have no interest in becoming a Hindu, I’m still willing to learn about it because it makes me feel closer to my family in India. Western life is so much different to life in the  South Indian village where most of my relatives live, and where my dad grew up. Even as a child I felt like I would have done better living over there, like I didn’t belong in Australia or relate to the people there. 

After reading half of the book I decided that Shabbad Yoga was the real truth, after all it predates the Bible by many thousands of years. I’m not sure what put me on the right path. I was still reading Devotionals and watching online church streams, although it was hard because Shabbad yoga slowly replaced all my deeply held Christian beliefs. 

I think I eventually felt some guilt about being led so far astray. I came back to Jesus, asked for forgiveness and continued to be His servant.

It just shows how even people who think they have the strongest faith can be led away from it, by the devil planting these little traps that are so hard to see. He knows our hearts like Jesus, but instead uses this information to manipulate us into doubting our faith in God. Or even being so distracted by this world we put less attention on God and that causes us to sin. As I’ve mentioned before I did have a problem with porn addiction. I’m happy to admit that is no longer an issue with me. It felt like it was something that was impossible to beat, but I’ve managed to stay away. And anytime I see the slightest bit of porn on my Twitter timeline I hide it, may even go as far to unfollow someone. Anything that is a temptation I swiftly avoid. It just shows you can overcome your temptations. You can overcome the flesh.

There are other ways we are led astray by Satan, aside from him deceiving us through our families or making us give into carnal desires. Even the things we watch on TV or streaming services can lead us into temptation, particularly if it contains themes that poison the soul. Now I haven’t completely given up on watching Netflix but I do try to keep it in mind to not mimic any of the words or behaviours I watch in these shows. Another such way I’m tempted and distracted from living according to Christ is through an unhealthy appetite that feeds my pride and arrogance on Twitter. Put simply, I argue a lot on my personal account. 

So, this Lent I’ve decided to go without it for the entire 40 days. The idea is to be away from it so much that I no longer feel like I need to go on it to pass time and fall into my old sinful behaviours I’ve been working so hard to avoid. 

Now, I’m not sure if those things I’ve mentioned are the same that lead you to sin, but occupying the mind on the things of this world, can lead you to sin, and also corrupt the soul which can make us confused about whether what we’re doing is wrong at all. 

So, if there is anything in your life that may be holding back your spiritual growth, now is a good time to release yourself from it. While Lent is not in the Bible it’s a good way to get closer to God by going without and spending this time in His presence and meditating on His Word. By the end of this time it should be easier for you to avoid these temptations. 

God bless,