Vision: Walking With Others Through Their Suffering

Vision: Walking With Others Through Their Suffering

March 8, 2024

To finish off this week’s theme that The Holy Spirit gave to me, relationships in marriage, family and church community, I felt it would be good to share this vision about when people from church support you through your trials. It’s not the biggest show of a healthy church community, that is probably because I had recently left one church, and have been trying out two churches. And though I talk to people, I don’t know them that well. 

And this might not just be for me. When one thing happens to a child of God it’s probably happening to more of His children. So, I think a lot of people could relate to this. 

The title may not be exactly fitting, but it’s something my pastor (from a former church I attended) said that really stayed with me. 

I see a dark deserted road. I’ve been seeing the same thing in my visions this week. A friend from my church is walking down it, I’m walking down it a little ahead of him. He asks me why I’m down here so late at night. I tell him, “This is the unknown road God has me on; the same road you will have to take.” It represents the narrow path, which is about more than its length but its visibility, like a prophecy I received earlier from a leader in my church. God was only revealing a bit of my calling to me at a time, because if he showed me the whole thing it would be overwhelming. And Jesus said the same thing to the disciples when He announced He was sending The Holy Spirit to them. 

Others will have to take this road once they realise that when Jesus told His disciples to give up their lives for Him and to seek the Kingdom first meant a bit more than living as a Christian who fixed a few things about their former life. It meant absolute sacrifice, leaving everything about their life behind and following God into a new and unexpected life to be used as a vessel for His Kingdom. It’s the call of Abram. 

It can be a lonely and isolating period. 

My friend tells me I shouldn’t be alone. I just look up at him in puzzlement. I have always done this alone, why should this situation be any different? But still I walk by his side as he walks with me through my silent suffering in the wilderness. We don’t say anything. But just having him there is helping me.

He takes me to a house, his refuge, in the middle of the wilderness. His own wilderness. The house is surrounded by bushland. It sits out of place in the middle of it. It looks like a house you would find in the suburbs. Inside it’s warm and homely. He asks me if I’m hungry, and takes out a massive turkey from the oven. It’s like three times the usual size. This symbolizes the abundance of provision God has given me through my trials. It’s the manna and quail falling from the sky in the desert. 

We share a roast dinner together. He asks me how things have been going for me lately and we engage in a nice conversation. I don’t say anything about the suffering I had/was still going through. It was hard to open up. When you’re a prophet it can be hard to know how much to reveal, because it may be connected to revelation you’re not able to give yet. And you can’t give the enemy a chance to come in and abort that baby before it has fully gestated. And sometimes those attacks are from the other person’s unbelief. 

So, I didn’t say anything. I had talked to this person about past struggles a bit at a time, and to other church members too. And they didn’t really respond or respond how I’d like. Sometimes they made me feel worse. So, it will take me time to trust people enough to open up to them again. 

But just talking to someone was nice. And having someone literally (in the vision) to walk with me through my suffering, felt good too. 

At my new church I have shared some of my struggles with them, like the person who ended up prophesying over me, and it has helped. It has made me relax a bit and just patiently wait for God to reveal more to me. But I’m still guarded about the struggles I go through. Maybe God is telling me that it’s time to open up more, and let others in. 

Maybe He is telling you that too. Or maybe He is telling you that He will bring you to people who you can trust, who you can open up to. Who will encourage and support your gifts and your calling, and will help you reach your destiny. The destiny helpers are coming. And maybe you’re someone’s destiny helper too. 

God has been talking to me a lot about unity in the church, and between the denominations. To show the love of Christ, not reject those who do things differently and maybe say things that are bold, weird and even just downright shocking, but to embrace them, learn from them, teach them, strengthen them where they are weak, and help them strengthen your own weakness. It’s those who are called differently who are the most isolated and lonely, and are the ones walking down the dark deserted road alone. 

[The Apostle of Peace]


Matthew 7:14,Luke 18:25 : The narrow gate/ road 

John 16:12-13: Jesus telling the disciples everything would be too overwhelming 

Matthew 19:29-30, Luke 14:26-27, Luke 18:29-30: Give up your life and seek first the Kingdom    

Genesis 12:1-5: The call of Abram

Galatians 6:2: Carry each others burdens

1 Corinthians 12:25-26: Each part of the body should have concern for each other

Exodus 16:4, 11-13: God sends manna and quail to the Israelites

2 Corinthians 1:4 – God comforts us so we can be a comfort to others


Vision: An Escalation to the Israel-Gaza War

Vision: An Escalation to the Israel-Gaza War

12:30 am March 8, 2024

This was the second vision I had last night before falling asleep. The previous vision was of more a spiritual nature and was about people supporting you in your faith walk and church community. It was also a Kingdom spouse word, which have been stacking up over the weeks, but I’ve had to put releasing them on the backburner as I focus on my main assignments. But soon I will be releasing them on my YouTube channel: The Apostle of Peace. So, go there if you’re interested in hearing them.

In this vision I saw about a dozen or more open roofed 4WDs in a line in a desert, which makes me think this vision is related to the Israel-Gaza war. They reminded me of military vehicles but they had different patterns on them and were of different shapes and sizes and designs, so to me they looked civilian. The drivers looked angry and were revving up their engines and shouting out as if to intimate whoever was in front of them. Now The Holy Spirit is making me think of Goliath intimidating Israel when he’s challenging them to find a man to defeat him. 

I saw the same scene opposite them, except these drivers had the gas down, heading headfirst toward them, expecting to crash into them. 

I didn’t see the collision. 

Interpretation: Civilian will go to battle against civilian – Israel against Palestine. The attacks may involve people being deliberately run over by cars – an ISIS and right-wing terrorist tactic. 

It may also not happen in the Middle East or just there, but in the United States. Australia, the United Kingdom, anywhere. But it will go back to the Israel-Gaza War. 

This is part of the war escalating to other parts of the world, which has been happening and I prophesied back in November. My video talking about my dream about a meteorite hitting earth shows what this will end in. I’ll link that here if anyone is interested in watching it. Trigger warning for descriptive gore and hard to hear themes of war. Just prepare yourself for the worst. It was one of the most distressing series of visions in a day I had ever been given, but I need to be obedient and give the word exactly as I received it. 

A Meteor Falling to Earth Prophecy Part 1 and Part 2


I’ve actually been given the first part of 1 Samuel 17 for this. But I may have to get through the whole chapter. We’ll see how we do. 

1 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah  – the first enemy gathered in the desert. Somewhere in the Middle East – I wasn’t shown exact details. 

2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines – the ‘army’ on the other side, given which side was Israel of Gaza, met their enemy in battle. Also, they too were in a battle line, or sorts. 

3 The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley in between them – each army was at opposite sides to each other. 

8 Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose a man and let him come down to me.

23 Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance – shouting to intimidate the enemy. 

Now I’ve been taken to the book of Judges that I have been reading 1-2 chapters of every night for a prophecy that I’ll have up on my YouTube channel on March 22. 

This one is about Abimelek, Gideon’s son. He murdered his 70 brothers so he could rule Shechem alone. And this verse is about Gaal challenging the people of Shechem to follow him instead.

28-29 “Who is Abimelek, and why should we Shechemites be subject to him? Isn’t he Jerub-Baal’s son, and isn’t Zebul his deputy? Serve the family of Hamor, Shechem’s father! Why should we serve Abimelek? I would say to Abimelek, ‘Call out your whole army!’”

So, I don’t know what the situation is there but from what I can glean from what I see on the news there are Palestinian civilians who are sick of the occupation of the IDF (Israeli army) and may take the situation into their own hands by fighting back. And I’ve been part of the Pro-Palestinian movement so I know how much support they have all over the world. So in a  way them fighting back, even if they don’t take on the IDF themselves, but other Israelis or even non-Israeli jews, as a way to fight back and take back control for Palestine.

And this could even be an anti-semitic attack that has nothing to do with Palestine, but just people looking for an opportunity to attack those they hate.

Now I’m being taken back to the story of Gideon to find some biblical evidence of enemies of Israel joining forces (note: I’m not saying they’re evil or taking side here) and I’ve found Judges 6:33 where the Misianites, Amalekites and other eastern people joined forces and Gideon in verse 35 calls on the tribes of Manasseh, Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali to fight with his men against them. 

So, that is like both the supporters of Israel and Palestine all over the world launching attacks, even if just altercations in the street, because both sides are at war. There is already a lot of animosity between them, and unfortunately this is what happens in war. We saw it happen in WW2 with anti-Japanese sentiment towards Japanese people in the US, Australia, and any other western nation that was at war with Japan. We saw it after the September 11 terrorist attacks to not just Muslims but anyone who looked south-east Asian. It’s the spirit of racism. People would rather take sides rather than realise that the civilians in both countries are facing casualties, and those people in the west may have lost grandparents, parents, children, siblings, friends back in Gaza or Israel. And let’s not forget how this war started: with an invasion and brutal rape of Israeli women. There are both guilty and innocent on both sides. Remember, these are neither Jews or Canaanites (some might be), but people created by God. And if the majority of Palestinians were Canaanites it wouldn’t change anything. God wants you to love and weep for both sides when they are attacked.

[The Apostle of Peace]

Vision: The Natural and Spiritual Storms of Life and a Warning For Hawaii

Vision: The Natural and Spiritual Storms of Life and a Warning For Hawaii

December 28,  2023

Warning: Distressing content

For the past few months I have been having prophecies and visions that have come to pass in the world rapidly, especially the visions I receive when I’m just about to fall to sleep. So, now I’m going to share them all as they come – and even some recent ones that have already come to pass – on social media from now on.

I had a vision as I closed my eyes to sleep. At first I saw a pool and a tiny little body in it. And then I saw rushing waters going down a storm drain and a small child was carried down with them. This was The Holy Spirit confirming that what I had seen on the news was part of my prophecy about a young girl drowning in flood waters had come to pass.

The scene then changed into a torrential downpour. Winds lashing. Trees being uprooted and flattened as though they were made of cardboard. It looked like a tropical environment. The Holy Spirit told me it was Hawaii. It looked like a monsoon but the winds seemed cyclonic. So I looked it up and learned they can indeed produce cyclones.

I kept seeing the same scenes over and over again. I guess so the vision stayed in my mind. I saw palm trees on a beach in semi-darkness.

Then I saw a terrifying demonic form rise out of the waters and I approached it and sent down lightning from Heaven which disintegrated it. This is symbolic of the type of prophetic warfare I and other curse breakers do when we and our loved ones – including our church – are under demonic attack. A second time a demon appeared it was made from the waves, and a second time it was taken down by spiritual warfare, effortlessly.  This just shows that with God on our side and by the power The Holy Spirit gives us, we already have the victory. So, we don’t fear the enemy but take the battle as an opportunity to train and grow stronger in the Kingdom of God.

Further inland I saw a man just standing there in the storm, staring out at it blankly. He looked empty inside. This symbolises the storms we go through and the effect they have on our emotions, eventually they just leave us feeling dejected and wanting to give up. But then I saw a woman approach him and she kissed him and he kissed her back, and turned away from the storm, and he just started to ignore it. Even when a small boat was flung by the violent wind that just barely missed them, he was completely unbothered. And that symbolises the people in our lives who we either come to for support who come to us to help lift us up, pray for us, or stay by our side during our times of suffering. They walk through our suffering with us.

I have no idea how this vision (the first part at least) will play out in reality but as many of my visions have come to pass within days or weeks, I felt it was best to warn people. It also may not happen in Hawaii or just Hawaii but in many locations of the world. And it may come in the form of severe thunderstorms or cyclones.

The Apostle of Peace
Prophet, Seer, Evangelist