Prophetic Dream: Stewarding Kingdom Wealth: Only Put Your Money On What Has Value

Prophetic Dream: Stewarding Kingdom Wealth: Only Put Your Money On What Has Value

Jan 3, 2023 (between 12am-2am)

Last night I had a dream. I must have been a little kid even though I was in my adult body, because I was in this kid’s toy section of a shop and my mum told me that she would just buy me one thing. This wasn’t a major supermarket, but it reminded me of a small shop the family stopped at when we visited The Blue Mountains.
So, I started pulling items from the hooks they were hanging on. There was a plastic toy of Scooby Doo which I seemed to love for some reason. But I felt like even as a small child it wasn’t worth the price. So I picked up a futuristic looking toy gun which felt like it was worth the price more than the Scooby Doo toy. But it still felt like a waste. I think the other toy I was looking at was an aeroplane because I like planes. But they were the usual types of toys I used to like when I was a kid.
Mum was hurrying me because she was getting ready to leave, and she was like make a decision now or you’re getting nothing. Or I felt that’s what was going to happen.

But then the adult version of me thought, “Why do I want to get this junk? I’m trying to give my things away. I don’t need more things.”

And I feel like The Holy Spirit is telling me to only put my money on what has value. He kind of responded to some anxiety I had about being a good steward of Kingdom wealth. In the Kingdom of God Heaven will provide the opportunities to make money and sometimes the finances and it’s up to us to show we can steward that wealth well. It’s usually to put towards the expenses our assignments require, and giving to charities or even helping people in need.

So God is telling those of us on the Kingdom payroll: only put your money on what has value. You can still buy the things you need, but those don’t have to be the most expensive version. Take for example just buying the basics like clothes, appliances, furniture, a new phone, laptop, computer, iPad. You should only buy the things you need. For example, I would probably need a new computer soon with the kind of software I need to make videos for my Youtube channel. Although a laptop would be better for livestreams. That’s a necessary expenditure from the money Heaven may give me. I also need furniture, clothes that don’t have holes in them – I procrastinate buying even the basic things I need ok? I grew up poor and during the pandemic, particularly when I had Long COVID I barely bought any new clothes. Why dress in new clothes when you can’t even go out?

I’m kind of like Paul where I’m just content to live on very little and even a lot. 

I operate from the Hebrew calendar and I’ve been doing that since July, because it’s the calendar God operates from. For example between September – October during Sukkot, He was trying to draw the Church closer to Him which is parallel to what the Israelites did after they came out of captivity in Egypt. There was both The Festival of Shelters and Sukkot. All the instructions for those appointed times should be available in Leviticus.
During November and December not much was going on in the Hebrew calendar that pertained to God’s appointed festivals or events in the Bible, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. But now we’re in January and The Holy Spirit keeps bringing specific dates to mind, I decided to go back to it and I saw that on January 25 it’s The New Years For Trees: a season where the new blooming trees is Israel begin to start producing fruit. And I feel like The Holy Spirit is saying this is a season where we, the children of God, are encouraged to produce fruit, and that could be in the form of completing assignments for the Kingdom. And I have been doing an assignment a day since the new year started. Even what we do with our finances shows what fruit we have and produce more of.

According to Hebrew tradition on this day we remember that ‘man is the tree of the field’ (Deut 20:19).

Scripture Verses That Reference This Word
Luke 16:10-13 – “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of Heaven? And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?
No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” (NLT)

The New King James version puts it this way: “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Mammon is of course the god of money. Putting our dependence in money, not just becoming greedy over money, is a form of idolatry.

Matthew 25:28-29 – “So take that bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

These two parables in Matthew 25 all start off saying, “The Kingdom of God is like…” so that last verse feels like a warning to steward wealth well and produce good fruit or you could lose your position in the Kingdom of God. At least no longer being trusted to steward that wealth. I’m not saying you’ll be kicked out of eternity. We’re talking about the Kingdom of God as it is on earth now; invisible and not quite in its fullness.