Visions: The Storms of Life as Rough Seas and Picking up the Pieces Like Rebuilding After Floods Damage Your Home and Workplace

Visions: The Storms of Life as Rough Seas and Picking up the Pieces Like Rebuilding After Floods Damage Your Home and Workplace

January 8, 2024

I had a vision as I was going to sleep, which is usually what happens. I saw a ship at sea at night. It looked like a cargo ship. Suddenly a terrifying humanoid figure rose out of the ocean that was made from the waters. Many of these figures rose out of the ocean and each was roaring, and as they did the sea became more and more turbulent. They were rocking this large ship as though it was a sailing ship. These figures kept multiplying in number so they had to stack on top of each other, like they were forming a tsunami. A tsunami made out of these demonic humanoid figures.
Then I saw a humongous winged demon rise out of the water (Rev 13:1). I could only assume that it represented Satan.
Then I saw that more than one of these ships had been knocked over on their sides and their cargo fell into the sea. And one of the larger of these demon humanoids spewed something from its mouth. It looked like a reddish liquid. It landed into the sea near the ships. Where it landed the water turned brown. I started to be reminded of wormwood in the book of Revelation (Rev 8:10-11). And then the words ‘water contamination’ was brought to my mind.

Then I saw another vision. A woman was in what looked like a pub running away from flood waters rushing inside. She may have been the owner as the pub was basically empty except for her. The water just kept rushing in and rose several feet.

Then I was brought back to my first vision. It repeated and stayed on the cargo boxes in the now browned sea. I was still trying to work out whether their contents spilling out into the sea was contaminating the water or whether it was what was spewed by the sea demon. The Holy Spirit said it was from the demon. And then I saw dead fish rise to the top of the water (Rev 8:9).

I think the first vision is both symbolic and literal, but may not happen exactly as I see it, but keep an eye out for the news that something similar to this has happened. 

I think the turbulent waves represent the storms that happen throughout our trials, particular in the Body of Christ. And particularly members of the Church who are under God’s judgment and discipline who have just behaved in ungodly ways towards their brothers and sisters in Christ. Need I remind them that whatever they do against another Christian they do against Christ? Jesus said to Saul, “why are you persecuting me? (Acts 9:4)’ not ‘why are you persecuting my people?’ God sees no difference between us and Him. It goes further than this. We are connected to Christ not just by the vine but we are adjoined to the Trinity (John 14:20). As a husband and wife get joined together so the two become one flesh, we are joined to Christ, the husband of the Church, and also the husband of every individual church member, and we cannot be separated from Him. 
The demonic humanoid figures or what I call ‘sea demons’ are the storms sent by the enemy. They are storms of deception, intimidation that lead to fear, anxiety, depression, despair and anything else the enemy wants to throw at you. 

The humongous winged demon is Satan watching over his handiwork and trying to cause more fear and intimidation by letting you know he caused this and it will just get worse. But the devil is a liar.

We are the ships and the dropped cargo is our faith and trust in God. The ships can also represent individual churches on trial. The Holy Spirit loves to remind me of Roma Waterman’s dream about ships representing churches who don’t know which direction to take because demons are shining three different lights at them to direct them, but they’re waving them around the place, causing confusion. And these ships aren’t communicating with each other. But that’s a whole other prophecy about the division in denominations which I’ll give later this month.

The reddish-brown liquid being spewed out by the sea demons is wormwood or a substance that contaminates the water. I had a feeling that the whole thing took place in the Atlantic Ocean. I don’t know why but if this is a literal part of the prophecy then it could come to pass in America. The symbolic meaning could be that we become contaminated with temptation and sin and our own flesh, and the surrounding waters are The Holy Spirit, His Living Waters (John4:14) especially, which when released from our inner beings fill us with the fruits of the Spirit, and as Christ is the Tree of Life, the fruit represents His body and the flesh inside is The Holy Spirit. Like The Holy Spirit lives in us, He lives in that fruit, which when eaten will give us life forevermore (Gen 3:22). That will be literal when the Kingdom of God is materialised in its fullness soon on earth, but it’s also spiritual and it speaks of the quality of our life in Christ (John 10:10)
And when we live with one foot in the world and one foot in Christ, we contaminate those pure Living Waters in our soul. We limit how much The Holy Spirit can empower us, or even speak to us.

The second vision may be literal. Because I saw a stage in this pub it reminded me of a pub in Melbourne, because Melbourne has a thriving local rock scene and I’ve always just wanted to relocate there to be part of it. And currently Victoria is experiencing severe flooding. So it might happen or something similar to it might happen. It might happen in other parts of Australia or around the world.
The symbolic meaning just shows the chaos that comes to our lives when those storms in a trial hit. We might actually experience floods happening in our homes, like my poor neighbour that lives below my unit did when there was a leak in my hot water pipe. It didn’t affect me but I had to have the plumbers remove and replace all that piping. And then for almost 3 months I was left without a bathroom basin, which spent a few weeks on my balcony and then on my living room floor. That was one of my storms. Or you might have things breaking down around you. Or things could go wrong in your relationships and you’re left to try and mend all that damage. Storms can come in any form, and they’re often followed by more and more storms, adding to our already overwhelming load of stress.
The Body of Christ, that is the Church, is going to face these types of storms as God puts them on a full church trial, like my church experienced in June-September last year. And as we are in a time of transition, a new trial has begun or will continue on from late last year, and this may be related to God’s judgment or just God’s purifying of His Body. He also wants to reset people and let them start off with a clean slate. Many have been moved from one house to another. Some have been moved to new towns and cities, maybe even countries. It’s a new beginning for them as God gives them a time of rest before He can really call them into their destiny, that is, His purpose for them to help fulfill His will on earth. And to bring them into His Kingdom on earth as it is now, invisible but growing and extending to the furthest parts of the earth. He has a plan to use many of us this year in ways we could never have imagined for ourselves. Many would feel like they are the wrong fit for this line of work, like they lack experience (Exodus 4:10-16, Jer 1:6). But God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

It’s up to you to say, “Yes Lord, use me!”

The Apostle of Peace

Prophecy: How to Set Off a Revival in Your Church

Prophecy: How to Set Off a Revival in Your Church

Remnant arise! (Ezra 8:1-14, Amos 9:14-15) All you with circumcised hearts (Col 2:11), who live fully surrendered lives to your Lord Jesus (Luke 14:26-27,30,33-34, Acts 4:32). Those ones who will drop everything and listen to the orders of your King – I am speaking to you, through Him (Ex 3:10,12,15; Jer 1:9-10;1 Cor 9:1; 2 Cor 10:3-5,8). It’s time to put your lives aside. Any personal problems, even in the midst of your suffering. Those trials I put you through. I was preparing you for this very day (James 1:2,12).

Listen to Me, remnant, those of you who are called to be different. Even those of you who are different to other Christians. I have placed you in churches with others just like you. Your ways are strange to most of Christianity. That was on purpose.

I have anointed some of you to lay hands on your brothers and sisters, their friends, family and visitors at your church this Sunday, to pray with them to receive a baptism in The Holy Spirit and to receive the gift of speaking in the heavenly tongues (Acts 19:6). I will pour out the spiritual gifts through my Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17-18, 1 Cor 12:4-11). Even in those who have them already. I will give you new gifts and strengthen those you already have. I’m doing this to equip, train and prepare My Church for the coming darkness (Acts 8:1,12:3-5, 2 Thess 2:3, Rev 13:7).

I am coming back into My Church (Isaiah 56:1-2,62:1). I will determine the way in which she moves forward from now (Eph 1:22-23). I will no longer leave this to the responsibility of Man, but I will speak through your leaders and My whole Body to instruct them on just what I want them to do (Isaiah 52:6, Eph 4:11-16, Col 3:16-17). I have waited long enough for this. I have tolerated enough of good men and women getting corrupted by their own power, and defiling My Body (Isaiah 52:1-2, 1 Cor 3:17). I will put up with the way they have abused their flock no longer (Isaiah 52:5, 1 Cor 5:11,6:9-10). I have watched godly men and women fall under the stress of leading My people, a job that was never intended for a human to have. 

I feel this needs some explanation. Ephesians 4:11 is the only time in the New Testament pastors are mentioned, and it’s plural and it’s right at the end of the verse, between evangelists and teachers. So why are these men and women given the highest role of leadership in the Protestant Church? Pastors are as the name suggests, pastoral – they are the shepherds in the Body of Christ – they guide and protect the flock. When using this gift properly through Jesus, they offer direction, guidance and comfort. They are compassionate and merciful. I personally have experienced this and it paved the way for me to take steps of faith which opened doors to receive treatment for my health issues. And it brought me closer to my pastor. And I’ve watched him give comfort and guidance to members of the church when the Spirit is working through him. This is what pastors were made to do. Pastors highly empathise with those under their care, to feel the burdens of others. Pastoring is a function, not an office. The apostle Paul himself could be said to be a pastor (Phil 1:7-10).

I am coming back for My children (Amos 9:11). This all starts with revival (Isaiah 60:1-7, Mal 3:10).

Here is a basic template on what to say when you lay hands on those who are willing to receive the baptism of the Spirit, and get them to repeat each line after you:

Father, I thank you for this opportunity 

To be baptised in The Holy Spirit and of fire

(Acts 2:4,4:31,8:17, 9:17,10:44-47,11:15,19:6).

Just like Jesus said before He went away 

(Acts 1:5)

He would a send a helper 

(John 16:5)

To reveal to me all truth and remind me of everything Jesus said

(John 16:13-15)

And that it was good He went away

(John 16:7)

So Father I ask you now to fill me up with Your Holy Spirit

Baptise me in the fire of The Holy Ghost

So I may speak in other tongues

(Acts 2:3, 1 Cor 14:22)

But I will not be upset if it doesn’t happen right away

I know you are pouring the spiritual gifts out onto Your Church right now

(Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-18)

Because I know this is how you will bring revival 

As prophesied by Smith Wigglesworth in 1921

This is the greatest and final act of The Holy Spirit that will happen today

In Australia and New Zealand and spread to the whole world 

(Rev 7:9-10)

So Holy Spirit fill me up, pour Your Spirit out and into me

(Eph 5:18-19)

Even as my cup overflows

I want to be consumed in Holy flames

(Acts 2:3)

In Jesus’ Mighty and undefeated name 


And then tell the person if they feel a pressure, a bubbling inside them, to just begin to speak in tongues.

Do this for at least a dozen people and the Spirit will pour out so violently on the entire church, that bodies will hit the floor and people won’t be able to get up under the extreme weight of His glory. There will be weeping before the Lord. People will be on their knees proclaiming praises (2 Thess 1:10) in tongues or their own languages and the praises will be so loud that the Heavens will shake (Hebrews 12:26)

It’s no time to be a quiet church that gently and softly worships the Lord. He wants you to violently take the Kingdom by force (Luke 16:16). Pour out your souls to Him. Cry out to Him with desperate prayers and shouts of adoration.

You are hurting, Church. You are hurting because of your uncertainty of where Christianity is going. You are hurting because you’re afraid to talk to people about Me (2 Thess 1:4-6). You have suffered persecution that you may think isn’t as bad as other parts of the world, and while that is true I feel all your pain the same. And I am coming to rescue you (2 Thess 1:7). I will pour out My love to you, and the Spirit will fill you with peace and an insurmountable amount of joy (Rom 15:13, Eph 3:19-20). It will make no sense. The trials I have put you through to bring you to this moment were severe (Heb 12:10-13). But I will give you peace in your suffering as you rest in My presence, and feel my calming burning in your hearts, and spreading to every area of your body (Eph 3:16).

Revival is coming to you, My children (Amos 9:13).

It is important you get baptised and rebaptised in the Spirit because the enemy has come into My Church to cause distraction so your focus was taken off of Me (Heb 12:2, James 1:6-8,14) and put onto your own plans and desires (John 3:6, Gal 5:24-26). Even if some of those plans were your way of serving Me. It’s ok, My children. The enemy had confused you long ago about how I wanted you to serve Me. I appreciate your efforts. I am moved by those you have helped in My name (Gal 6:2,10, Heb 12:14-15, James 1:27). But I don’t want you to strive any longer (Gal 5:16). I want you to listen to My instruction, and finding that out comes from listening to the prophets (Isaiah 52:7, Matt 4:4, 1 Cor 14:22,24). But many of you in leadership will be given that gift and have it strengthened yourselves. 

It’s time to allow My Holy Spirit to disrupt your routines, and interrupt how you do church. All this will be coming to you the next time you gather as a church. But it requires action on your part. 

Remember to say you receive this word in Jesus’ name.

The Apostle of Peace