Vision: The Next Financial Crisis and A Transfer of Wealth

Vision: The Next Financial Crisis and A Transfer of Wealth

January 20, 2024


Like in most of these night visions I have before I fall asleep, this one took place on rough seas. There were ships getting tossed around by the waves. They looked like ocean liners, which shows you the type of force these huge waves had on them. I think rough waves symbolise storms, not just for the church but for the world. As the title suggests this is going to be a huge storm that will affect the whole globe. I’m not just saying ‘world’ to refer to the secular nations like I usually do.

So I’m watching these rough waves when all of a sudden a huge sea monster leaps out of the water. At first I think it’s a kraken but then I realise it’s an enormous black octopus. It’s like swimming on the surface of the waters, being propelled forward by the waves. Then it makes it to shore and uses its tentacles like several sets of legs to walk onto the land. It’s made it to a city on an Island and I know it’s Manhattan Island in New York City. I used to have those Fact Files for locations around the world as a kid when I was being homeschooled. And that’s how I knew it was Manhattan. Also, I explored it in the Spider-Man video game. Anyway, moving on… 

This octopus then jumps onto the buildings and begins to consume them with this huge maw like it’s swallowing them down like a snake. A couple more octopuses do the same thing.

Then I see inside the stock exchange and these octopuses attach to the people inside. At first I think they have a Jezebel spirit because I know that to be ‘her’ true form. But then I remember marine spirits and the marine realm or kingdom is where the stolen wealth of God’s saints is kept stored, so Satan can keep them in a state of lack. Python spirit is known to be the stealer of wealth and destinies. So, it’s interesting that the octopus swallowed those buildings which were basically around Wall Street, like a snake.

These octopuses attached to the people inside the stock exchange begin to drain them of their fortunes, and I basically saw the screens turn black.

Then the scene changes to an average looking house on a suburban street and you’re most everyday looking man is walking out of his house checking his phone. He’s checking his internet banking account and is shocked as the figure in his account blows up exponentially.

And then I hear The Holy Spirit say, “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just.”

These two things happening have been the long ago prophesied next financial crisis, which will be the worst. Wealthy countries are going to turn into the third world, particularly America. There will be a famine. And what affects America will affect the rest of the world, especially other Western nations. And some poor countries will become wealthy. They’ll become the new superpowers. Already nations are breaking away from the United States and siding with nations that aren’t exactly friendly with them. There will be some big innovative ideas coming out of some of these new wealthy countries, including South Africa and other parts of Africa. Maybe India.

The second part of this prophecy is a long awaited transfer of wealth from rich people, companies, including in the media industry, who have been leading people away from God and some even are being used by Satan to do this. Well, if you’re in the world system then you’re being used by the lord behind that. And another name for the world system is the kingdom of darkness.

I could write a whole book on the world system so I’m just going to say the world system is any system of this world that takes us away from a close relationship with Jesus. You can be a Christian but in the world system. You can even be a fully committed Christian and have to use things in the world system. The only difference between those two is the committed or consecrated Christian will understand the dangers of such a system, and use it as a tool rather than allow it to successfully take them away from God.
Some of these systems are politics, religion, entertainment, and there are subsystems within it too. But anything in this world is part of that system and its aim is to take you away from having a relationship with Jesus basically by making us turn to idolatry to people, our own interests and ourselves. Which is why Jesus commands us to die to the world and deny our own flesh. And that could even lead me to explaining why the Law of Moses was so important for Israel to follow, before Jesus came and fulfilled the law. But that’s for another time. Yes, it does involve the word ‘demons.’

In summary, I believe I’m receiving this vision now because the next financial crisis is near. It was always going to be the first of these world events to occur in the escalation of tribulation events. And it’s like a domino effect after that.

But the reason why God is doing this massive transfer of wealth is so His people, those who have been chosen and tested and passed their tests to be stewards of this wealth for the Kingdom of God, are not affected in any way to the shockwaves of the financial market crashing and what comes as a result of that.

This wealth transfer is just one way the financial crisis will come. All sorts of wealthy people in different areas of work will be hit with a loss of their fortunes. And God does allow the enemy to attack people. He let them do it plenty of times when He wanted to punish Israel and discipline His children Or even test, trial and train them. 


The Wealth Transfer

Proverbs 13:22: A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. 

Ecclesiastes 2:26: To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner He gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. 

Exodus 12:35-36: The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold for clothing. The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed towards the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.

God Allowing the Enemy to Attack People

Joel 2:1-11 (An army of locusts)

Jeremiah 18:17: Like a wind from the east, I will scatter them before their enemies; I will show them my back and not my face in the day of their disaster. 

The Apostle of Peace

Visions: The Storms of Life as Rough Seas and Picking up the Pieces Like Rebuilding After Floods Damage Your Home and Workplace

Visions: The Storms of Life as Rough Seas and Picking up the Pieces Like Rebuilding After Floods Damage Your Home and Workplace

January 8, 2024

I had a vision as I was going to sleep, which is usually what happens. I saw a ship at sea at night. It looked like a cargo ship. Suddenly a terrifying humanoid figure rose out of the ocean that was made from the waters. Many of these figures rose out of the ocean and each was roaring, and as they did the sea became more and more turbulent. They were rocking this large ship as though it was a sailing ship. These figures kept multiplying in number so they had to stack on top of each other, like they were forming a tsunami. A tsunami made out of these demonic humanoid figures.
Then I saw a humongous winged demon rise out of the water (Rev 13:1). I could only assume that it represented Satan.
Then I saw that more than one of these ships had been knocked over on their sides and their cargo fell into the sea. And one of the larger of these demon humanoids spewed something from its mouth. It looked like a reddish liquid. It landed into the sea near the ships. Where it landed the water turned brown. I started to be reminded of wormwood in the book of Revelation (Rev 8:10-11). And then the words ‘water contamination’ was brought to my mind.

Then I saw another vision. A woman was in what looked like a pub running away from flood waters rushing inside. She may have been the owner as the pub was basically empty except for her. The water just kept rushing in and rose several feet.

Then I was brought back to my first vision. It repeated and stayed on the cargo boxes in the now browned sea. I was still trying to work out whether their contents spilling out into the sea was contaminating the water or whether it was what was spewed by the sea demon. The Holy Spirit said it was from the demon. And then I saw dead fish rise to the top of the water (Rev 8:9).

I think the first vision is both symbolic and literal, but may not happen exactly as I see it, but keep an eye out for the news that something similar to this has happened. 

I think the turbulent waves represent the storms that happen throughout our trials, particular in the Body of Christ. And particularly members of the Church who are under God’s judgment and discipline who have just behaved in ungodly ways towards their brothers and sisters in Christ. Need I remind them that whatever they do against another Christian they do against Christ? Jesus said to Saul, “why are you persecuting me? (Acts 9:4)’ not ‘why are you persecuting my people?’ God sees no difference between us and Him. It goes further than this. We are connected to Christ not just by the vine but we are adjoined to the Trinity (John 14:20). As a husband and wife get joined together so the two become one flesh, we are joined to Christ, the husband of the Church, and also the husband of every individual church member, and we cannot be separated from Him. 
The demonic humanoid figures or what I call ‘sea demons’ are the storms sent by the enemy. They are storms of deception, intimidation that lead to fear, anxiety, depression, despair and anything else the enemy wants to throw at you. 

The humongous winged demon is Satan watching over his handiwork and trying to cause more fear and intimidation by letting you know he caused this and it will just get worse. But the devil is a liar.

We are the ships and the dropped cargo is our faith and trust in God. The ships can also represent individual churches on trial. The Holy Spirit loves to remind me of Roma Waterman’s dream about ships representing churches who don’t know which direction to take because demons are shining three different lights at them to direct them, but they’re waving them around the place, causing confusion. And these ships aren’t communicating with each other. But that’s a whole other prophecy about the division in denominations which I’ll give later this month.

The reddish-brown liquid being spewed out by the sea demons is wormwood or a substance that contaminates the water. I had a feeling that the whole thing took place in the Atlantic Ocean. I don’t know why but if this is a literal part of the prophecy then it could come to pass in America. The symbolic meaning could be that we become contaminated with temptation and sin and our own flesh, and the surrounding waters are The Holy Spirit, His Living Waters (John4:14) especially, which when released from our inner beings fill us with the fruits of the Spirit, and as Christ is the Tree of Life, the fruit represents His body and the flesh inside is The Holy Spirit. Like The Holy Spirit lives in us, He lives in that fruit, which when eaten will give us life forevermore (Gen 3:22). That will be literal when the Kingdom of God is materialised in its fullness soon on earth, but it’s also spiritual and it speaks of the quality of our life in Christ (John 10:10)
And when we live with one foot in the world and one foot in Christ, we contaminate those pure Living Waters in our soul. We limit how much The Holy Spirit can empower us, or even speak to us.

The second vision may be literal. Because I saw a stage in this pub it reminded me of a pub in Melbourne, because Melbourne has a thriving local rock scene and I’ve always just wanted to relocate there to be part of it. And currently Victoria is experiencing severe flooding. So it might happen or something similar to it might happen. It might happen in other parts of Australia or around the world.
The symbolic meaning just shows the chaos that comes to our lives when those storms in a trial hit. We might actually experience floods happening in our homes, like my poor neighbour that lives below my unit did when there was a leak in my hot water pipe. It didn’t affect me but I had to have the plumbers remove and replace all that piping. And then for almost 3 months I was left without a bathroom basin, which spent a few weeks on my balcony and then on my living room floor. That was one of my storms. Or you might have things breaking down around you. Or things could go wrong in your relationships and you’re left to try and mend all that damage. Storms can come in any form, and they’re often followed by more and more storms, adding to our already overwhelming load of stress.
The Body of Christ, that is the Church, is going to face these types of storms as God puts them on a full church trial, like my church experienced in June-September last year. And as we are in a time of transition, a new trial has begun or will continue on from late last year, and this may be related to God’s judgment or just God’s purifying of His Body. He also wants to reset people and let them start off with a clean slate. Many have been moved from one house to another. Some have been moved to new towns and cities, maybe even countries. It’s a new beginning for them as God gives them a time of rest before He can really call them into their destiny, that is, His purpose for them to help fulfill His will on earth. And to bring them into His Kingdom on earth as it is now, invisible but growing and extending to the furthest parts of the earth. He has a plan to use many of us this year in ways we could never have imagined for ourselves. Many would feel like they are the wrong fit for this line of work, like they lack experience (Exodus 4:10-16, Jer 1:6). But God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

It’s up to you to say, “Yes Lord, use me!”

The Apostle of Peace

Prophecy: A SHIFT has happened in the global Church

Prophecy: A SHIFT has happened in the global Church

A shift has happened in the Church (Isaiah 43:19). In my very last prophecy to my church I said ‘the Church is in a transition.’ I painted this picture of the transition as being like the Israelites leaving their captivity in Egypt and entering a transition period of being in the wilderness and entering the Promised Land (Joshua 1:2-3). This was speaking of the past. The shift is here. Evidence will be seen this weekend. God is shaking up the churches of the world (1 Peter 4:17). He has already shaken them through exposing corruption and dealt with the guilty parties swiftly and severely (1 Cor 3:17,5:2-12,6:9-10). He is not done there (1 Cor 4:2,5;5:3-6,6-7,11;6:9-10).

Churches are going through a period of testing and trial (Lam 2:3, 1 Peter 4:1, 5:12-13, Rev 3:10), the same testing Jesus told the church in Philadelphia they could be spared from. The churches He wrote the letters to represented types of churches in the world today. There are the lukewarm Christians (Rev 3:16) who Jesus wants to spit out of His mouth. There are the churches who flirt with the false pagan gods (Rev 2:14), which can be seen by them giving into worldly desires (2 Peter 1:14, 1 John 2:15-16) and inviting worldly influence into their churches (Isaiah 31:1-3). There are those who are spiritually dead (Rev 2:4-5, 3:1-3). And there are those who practice sexual immorality (Rev 2:14-16). 

God is shaking up the very way we do church (Isaiah 43:19, Haggai 2:6, Hebrews 12:26-27). He is dismantling the man made structures, including the ministry departments. Liturgies will be a thing of the past. Man made traditions which cannot be found in scripture will seem like ancient rituals lost to time. 

The revivals that happened around the world were not just for reformation, indeed, no revival ever was, but to bring the Church back to God’s original design: the Church of the first century, the ekklesia of God (Acts 15:16-18, Ephesians 4:11-13), that was born on the Day of Pentecost, when the power of the Holy Spirit came onto the believers (Acts 2:2), empowering them for continuing Jesus’ mission on earth (Acts 9:10-16, 10:1-20). They lived very simple unmaterialistic lives, shared their possessions (Acts 4:32), gave to those in need (Acts 4:34), broke bread with others in homes and had deep intimate relationships (1 Peter 1:22) with each other and were never in lack (Acts 4:33, 2 Cor 8:9, 9:8, Phil 4:19, 2 Peter 1:3), because God gave them everything they needed (Acts 2:44-46). They were a living breathing spiritual organism, the actual Body of Christ which connected to Him as Head of His Church (Matthew 16:18; Colossians 1:18), that was 100% spiritual, not the 75% or so we are content to have these days. The meetings were completely led by the Holy Spirit and the gifts were used for Jesus to speak through His people to each other to encourage, admonish, exhort, direct and comfort. 

There will be resistance to this, but if God wants to do this then nothing and no one can stop Him, and anyone who tries to get in the way of His plans He will be push aside. In most extreme cases He will strip leaders of their position and bring in a leadership that is more aligned to His heart and who wants to see His plans and purposes for His churches fulfilled (1 Sam 15:26,16:7;13, 1 Cor 5:3-6).

Through these next round of revivals God will yet again pour out the spiritual gifts (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-18, 1 Cor 12:7-10) – some churches have already experienced this – to equip the Body of Christ as an army that joins with the armies of Heaven to wage war on both their enemy and ours (Eph 6:12), and the people who they work through on earth. Witches who think they can innocently contact spirits (1 Sam 28:3,7-14), but they’ve really contacted familiar spirits – demons (1 Tim 4:1) – who have instructed them to attack God’s prophets (Matt 7:20), so they can come into our churches as false prophets (Matt 7:15-17, Matt 24:24 2 Cor 11:3-4;12-15, 2 Peter 2:1-2, 1 John 4:2-3). They aren’t adept at scripture and as prophesied by the apostle Paul, they will not call Jesus the Son of God (1 Cor 12:3) and will not say that He went to the cross, died and was resurrected. And now sits at the right hand of God as Lord of all.

We are in a time of spiritual warfare while the churches are having a beach party (Matt 25:38-39), as the enemy has set up a beachhead. They are on the advance. They have already infiltrated the churches, and have for years. That’s why we need to take Romans 12:2 seriously and commit to renewing our minds everyday, and take every thought and hold it captive, because failing to do this just once, invites the enemy to influence our thinking, then our personality and then our very behaviour. This creates division (Matt 12:25) and distraction in the churches. And the enemy has used this to delay the next worldwide revival, which will be the most largest season of revival this earth has ever seen. This is to save as many souls as possible (2 Peter 3:9) before the real darkness begins. God is already pouring out His Spirit on churches and individual Christians who seek Him with such ferocity that they are pinned to the floor. The enemy won’t let this happen because they know what will come next. Churches around the world will rise up as fortresses in the earth, and places of sanctuary where we will see mass repentance with spontaneous baptisms (Acts 2:4:1,8:12;36-38,9:18,10:48).  

A remnant will rise out of the churches (Ezra 8:1-14). Some of them already know who they are. Some are yet to be called. They are the most committed followers of God; the ones who will return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and return the Temple of God to her former glory (Isaiah 52:7-9). They are a generation of elite soldiers (1 Chron 7:2,5) who stand on the frontlines of the spiritual battleground (2 Cor 10:3-5), defending and protecting the flock (Genesis 49:14-15). Some will know the signs of the times and come up with the solutions to the problems the world will soon face (1 Chron 12:32). Listen to them. They are going to give you the very survival skills you need to face things soon to come, such as famine, plagues (another pandemic), warn of the health effects of genetically modified food, the world officially adopting digital currency as its own (Rev 13:16-17), and the enemy overtaking the churches. Some will be intercessors with the ability to take on the burdens of others with supernatural strength (Gal 6:2, Eph 6:18). They’ve been given a powerful spiritual anointing for such a time as this (Isaiah 45:5). They are known by many names: the new tribe of Issachar (Gen 35:23, Judges 30:1-2), the Joseph anointing, and the Elijah generation. They are all those things and more. 

I am a leader for this generation for the territory God has given me jurisdiction. My responsibility is to find, educate and anoint through the authority Christ has given me (2 Cor 10:8), those chosen to lead their churches to revival (Isaiah 45:8), to turn them back to God, through restructuring and rebuilding them (Jeremiah 52:16) and providing healing to those Christians who have been disillusioned by the revelation of corruption in their former churches or have been victims of sexual, physical or spiritual abuse within them (Amos 9:11). It is our duty to help them through the process of deconstructing and reconstructing their faith, and removing those mental strongholds of religion and legalism the enemy had trapped them in.

The remnant will be used as weapons in the ongoing fight for churches to stay true to the Word of God. The enemy has already introduced a gospel that is less about repentance but more about grace and a gospel of inclusion that is tearing the Church apart. Taking sides and running to more pleasing denominations that better fit your beliefs is not the answer, but unity in the Body of Christ. By separating ourselves from these misguided churches we will just assure that the problem will just get worse. It is now more important than ever to become proficient in the scriptures, write them in our hearts, and stand firmly on them (Hebrews 2:1-2). Because there will be a day when both progressive Christianity and libertinism (2 Tim 3:8, 4:3-4) will outnumber staying true to the Word through accurate teachings of scripture (John 8:31-32, 1 Tim 6:3-5). And persecution to God’s true Church will return (Matt 24:9-11). Even in the west governments will turn against people who remain true to the Word. They will slander them (Matt 12:24, 2 Peter 2:2) and all of society will cheer them on (Acts 12:3).

Now it is more important than ever to study the scriptures, spend time in the Lord’s presence, pray throughout the day for yourself and others, especially your church leaders, so they do not fall into the snare of the enemy and be used as weapons against God’s promises in the very churches they are teaching and guiding. Stay in your community, find a trusted group of believers to fellowship with regularly, support and encourage one another, pray for each other, and do not be tempted into pointless arguments against Christians of other denominations. Meet everyone with love, including those you don’t agree with. And most importantly, keep your minded guarded from the enemy.

And listen to the prophets and prepare for the time that is ahead. If you have any questions or want more details on the world’s coming problems, then either seek out the prophecies in books or online, or ask me and I will request, through prayer and fasting, more revelation on the subjects. But one prophet I highly regard and trust is Joshua Giles, who you can find on YouTube. But I highly recommend you read his book ‘Prophetic Forecast’ for more information about some of the signs of the times.

If you want some of this scriptural discernment explained to you, I will be happy to give more details. The Holy Spirit just puts these passages into my head and there’s more prophecy to their interpretation. To keep this post short I decided to explain very little of it.

Your Comrade in Christ,

The Apostle of Peace